Monday, December 28, 2015

To everything turn, turn, turn. . .

The approach of 2016 has me feeling pensive, mulling over bits of things that have struck me as interesting lately. A recent newspaper article talking about couture fashion houses courting Joan Didion and Joni Mitchell as models. A TV news segment discussing the explosion of the "shared economy" segment of the marketplace, the most rapidly growing retail commerce segment - seller to buyer direct transactions via platforms like Etsy and HomeAway and Uber. Perhaps a more appropriate post title would have been "The times they are a'changing".

And while I'm not much for new year's resolutions, 2016 feels like the right time to focus on fine tuning. I think the process has already begun on the home front; last month I found myself suddenly inclined to change out lamps and rearrange furniture and move decorative objects around into new arrangements. Sharper. Intentional. Purposeful. Meaningful.

While 2015 has been spent building up my Etsy shop, the energy in 2016 will be more on building a stronger collection, focusing on really good things. If I do have a resolution for 2016 it will be to walk away from things more often, giving myself permission to focus less on quantity and more on quality, so that what I offer on Etsy will be curated with an eye honed for the best item and value.

And I've been reminded recently of how much I miss out on when I make assumptions. The friend I thought would only shop at Bloomingdales recently asked if she can go consignment store shopping with me sometime. The shop I've passed 100 times and never went into because it looked high priced, has now become a regular on my circuit of hunting and gathering, once I overcame my own assumptions (or call them prejudices) and stopped in one day.

So here's to looking at the world a little differently. Happy 2016.

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