Saturday, October 10, 2015

Vive la France! (with a side of chop suey!)

This week I added a new section to my Etsy shop - French objet. I've always been able to find one or two French things in my travels, but lately it seems that they are finding me, and I feel quite grateful that they are. We all have our favorite spots to look for little treasures, and I've developed a circuit of places to pop in on a regular basis. They've kept my shop stocked with (if I do say so myself) wonderful things, but this week's finds were nothing short of amazing.

I think you'll agree that these black and white canisters (huge at 8 1/2" tall!) are just terrific! Five of them altogether, four with the same type style and one, Vermicelle (not pictured) in a different type style.

And then there were these, not your typical French livestock signs, but rather ones advertising Premier Mules and Donkeys!

And I must admit, I'm partial to these French trophy vases, given for polo and speedboat racing

Fortunately, when I was near to fainting from finding all these divine things, a little humor injected itself in the form of silver chopsticks and leather fortune cookies (listing coming this week)!

From the sublime to the - well, not so sublime, but hardly ridiculous! Who doesn't need a little fun in their life? And with sunshine and tropical blue skies, and temperatures creeping down ever so slightly, fun is what it's all about here in Florida. Off to Miami's South Beach Antiques Market tomorrow - you never know what you might find there!

Join me on my journeys and keep up with my finds in the Etsy shop (never too early to think holiday tables and gifts!) - marilyn